We guarantee first page Amazon ranking of your product for your selected keyword without any giveaways. Full refund will be provided if we failed to rank, which is highly unlikely.
There is no guarantee of that. We have ranked many products to the top 3 positions on page 1. But that depends on how competitive the niche is and how well your product is converting.
If you want to achieve higher ranking, please follow our keyword ranking guide closely.
We need 4 -14 days on average to rank a keyword. The exact time needed depends on your keyword’s competition and your product’s own performance.
If you want to achieve better ranking fast, please turn on your manual PPC campaigns and bid for that keyword using “Exact Match”.
Your product can stay on the first page of Amazon forever as long as your organic sales catch up. Thus, please fully optimize your listing for higher conversion rate before starting your launch campaigns.
We can rank new products for sure, even if it was just launched yesterday!
If your product is 1+ years old, it can be hard to rank if it was not converting well before. In that case, we recommend you to set up a new listing for this product and merge the old one to it. Then we can help you rank for the new one.
- Most importantly, you need to make sure your product is indexed for that keyword. If not, please turn on your manual PPC campaign and bid high for that keyword with “Exact Match” for 1-3 days to get it indexed fast before we start ranking for it.
- Make sure you have fully optimized your listing for better conversion, all bad reviews are hidden from buyers, and all questions that buyers may have are answered.
You can rent our keyword ranking software monthly if you need to rank for many products and keywords consistently, or if you want to have full control of your ranking campaigns. Please feel free to chat with us.
Sorry we don’t take this type of orders. Please choose another keyword if the current one is on page 1 already.
- Boost the ranking of 1 keyword may improve the overall ranking of other related keywords for your product.
- Because our ranking method will improve your listing quality score in Amazon’s eyes, you will see your ads ranking improved too without increasing your bid. Which means your ads may show up on page 1 with a much a lower bid comparing to other page 1 ads of your competitors! (If you want this side-benefit, please make sure your bidding for that keyword is turned on before we started to rank.)
- There is 0 risk getting reviews from zonboost, as the whole review process will be exactly the same as how your normal buyers review your products.
- All buyer accounts used have a super high quality-score above 90 with a low review frequency.
- Your product will not be posted in any public review group, which guarantees privacy.
It takes up to 3 days to complete all purchases. Reviews will be posted gradually within 3-20 days of order delivery. Normally, 20 reviews can be completed within 20 days. Please note it also takes Amazon up to 3 days to manually review your review content before they publish it. So please make sure you don’t write reviews against Amazon’s guidelines.
Our reviews are very stable, just like the normal verified reviews left by your customers. But nobody can guarantee a review will never be removed by Amazon, even if it is a real review. Here is a reminder: Please do NOT order low-quality reviews from other providers, we don’t take any responsibility for issues caused by other review providers.
- Turn on your PPC to get as many organic sales as possible for new products with very little sales.
- Maintain your product price as it is, do not do any promos which changes the product price, like lightening deals. Coupons will not affect our campaign, as long as the normal price doesn’t change.
For products with a price higher than $50, we can customize a better review plan which saves your product cost but with a higher review cost. In total, you will save money of course. Please feel free to contact us on live chat for a custom quote.
Yes, those can be done with an extra cost.
- Feedback: $10
- Images: $10 for up to 3 images per review
- Video: $20 for up to 1 video per review, max 5M, MP4 format.
Feel free to contact us on live chat if you want any of these add-ons.
All purchases will be done after searching on your targeted keyword which improves your keyword ranking at the same time. Perfect to do this at the same time with keyword booster.
Orders from high-quality buyer accounts will also help improves your listing’s quality score.
Yes we can. But we don’t recommend this, reason being:
- FBM products take a long time to reach which delays the whole review process.
- FBM reviews are not as stable as FBA.
As you are aware, there are many review providers in the market who can post verified reviews for you with a much cheaper price. However, they only have a very limited amount of buyer accounts which they use repeatedly. From their buyer profile pages, you can see they review lots of product every day. To be honest, that’s how they save cost from their side. But this is extremely risky for your seller account as Amazon can easily identify this type of unusual review behavior. No real buyer will review so frequently.
However, we carefully select all the buyer accounts we use to make sure:
- They have a 90+ quality score. (The quality score cannot be seen by the public though.)
- They can only review no more than 3 products in 1 month! In that case, thousands of buyer accounts are needed to fulfill your orders. You can imagine how costly it is for us to help you get high-quality reviews this way, which is fast and safe.
And some review providers even post your products in facebook review groups to get reviewers, which is very risky for you. This will never happen to your orders on Zonboost.
You can see all the order-ids and review links in your dashboard once the project is completed.