Review Voter – Vote Up The Good Reviews
What is Amazon Review Votes?
Amazon allows buyers to vote up or down a review on a product to show how helpful they think that particular review is.
- Vote up Amazon reviews is to click on the “Helpful” button below a review which moves up its ranking position among all reviews.
- Vote down Amazon reviews is to analyse the content/reviewer of a review, then report its malicious content/purpose to Amazon. Once approved, Amazon will make the review drop to a very low position and make it “buried” by other reviews.
If you need to buy Amazon helpful votes from high authority buyer accounts, here are the 2 tools for you:
- Review Cleaner (Push down the review with a guaranteed result, with the help of our professional lawyer team.)
- Review Voter (Simply submit it for as many votes as you need)
Why do you need to upvote your reviews?
- Review Voter helps you upvote your good reviews and report abuse your negative reviews automatically.
- Normally 20-30 upvotes can move your good review to the top. 5-10 abuse reported may trigger Amazon delete your bad review.
- The more good reviews you upvoted to the top, the more bad reviews will be pushed down to the next page and beyond.
- 90% of Amazon buyers only look at reviews on the first page.
Why ZonBoost is the best for upvoting Amazon reviews?
- 100% safe guarantee: All of our votes are manually done by real buyers from high authority Amazon buyer accounts. Be careful of other cheaper votes you buy from other sites which may be conducted by bot with fake accounts, which will risk your account’s health.
- 100% result guarantee: Normally users don’t know how many report-abuses are needed in order to push down a bad review. But with our advanced version of review voter: Review Cleaner, you only need to submit the review and we will keep reporting abuse to it until it is pushed down to the later page and beyond with a guaranteed result!
- Fast Delivery: All votes submitted to our software will be done within 1-2 days!
What do you need to input in the Review Voter?
Simply input your review link and choose the vote type you need. Please double check you choose the right review type before you submit!
What Amazon marketplaces do we support?
We support all major Amazon marketplaces like USA, UK, EU, JP, etc.
What if I don’t know how many votes I need to do for each review?
With our Review Cleaner, we will do as many votes as needed to help you push down the bad review with a guaranteed result. So you are completely worry-free. Try it out now yourself!
Helpful read : How to get all your bad reviews removed.
Update in Jan 2019: We have removed the “downvote” choice as Amazon doesn’t have this feature anymore. If you want to downvote a bad review, you can always use the “Review Cleaner ” tool.
What’s the next steps after you cleaned up reviews?